Our Vision
We are a team of professional and compassionate long-term health care providers that continuously enhances quality long-term health care through education, advocacy relations, professional development, innovation, and partnership.
Our Mission
To advance the quality, value, and professionalism of extended-care providers for the benefit of their residents and communities.
West Virginia Health Care Association, Inc. (WVHCA) is a trade association for extended care providers of health care in West Virginia. It is a state affiliate of the American Health Care Association (AHCA) and the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL). The WVHCA has more than 130 member facilities that include nursing homes, assisted living communities, and hospital-based skilled nursing facilities. WVHCA also has an associate membership category for suppliers of goods and services to our members.
WVHCA incorporated in 1976 as a not-for-profit organization for licensed facilities to gain information, representation, education, and services for the common goal of providing quality care in safe surroundings for fair payment. The members consist of proprietary (73 percent) and nonproprietary facilities (27 percent) for a total of more than 11,000 beds. A majority of the facilities (66 percent) exceed 90 beds in capacity, while 34 percent has fewer than 90 beds.
In 1986, WVHCA established the West Virginia Long-Term Care Service Corporation (WVLTCSC), a for-profit subsidiary of the WVHCA. Through WVLTCSC, the association provides a discounted purchasing program, endorsement of a retirement plan for member employees through The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company (VALIC), and a term life insurance policy for member employees through Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company.
WVHCA took a bold step in 1997 to provide a stronger voice for members. Research shows the public perception of long-term care is based on outdated information. The public needs to hear and see the changes members have made. Our message to legislators, regulators, and the public is about living: Our residents are living a quality of life they could not have in another setting.